
This is not a real blog for a family with Tay-Sachs disease, it is just for a school assignment.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Journal Entry 1

So my wife, my son, and I just got back from the hospital. We had first made an appoitment because, at six and a half months, my son, Jacob, couldn't sit up without assistance. He also wouldn't reach for toys and he couldn't hold onto them either. They said he was probably just fine and that all babies grow at different speeds, but they did say he should have an eye examination. So we had the eye examination at the hospital today, expecting them to say he is just fine, but what they was something that shattered our universe. They said they saw a cherry-red spot in the back of his eyes, and that this was a characteristic of Tay-Sachs disease. This news shocked me, especially because we are both not Jewish; we were both carriers of it and didn't even know it. Knowing that my son is going to die at a very young age kills me, but we are going to try and make the best out of his life with us until his last day. I will try to keep up with this blog in hopes that other people dealing with Tay-Sachs disease can read this for help and comfort.

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